Friday, March 27, 2009

Dear Lord: And I needed that too.

Children have a way of working miracles all by themselves.

The mail came today, and in it was my unemployment package, and the documentation I need to fill out in order to contest for unemployment. There's something very real about staring down at that piece of paper and realizing that whatever you say there is going to affect whether or not you can pay the bills next month, if you can't find a job.

It's also rather startling when they give you two days to fill it out and mail it back in.

I immediately called them and pointed out that it was going to take me a day to fill the document out, and if it needs to be back by Tuesday, I might have problems, given the postal service. They were very understanding, and I was reassured.

I also called a church friend, and got directions/an address to the prayer meeting tomorrow. I called a place I used to work part-time at and asked for hours again. It, sadly, doesn't look likely. But at least I'm trying.

Finally, I called the school I'd like to enroll in. They couldn't answer my questions right then, but they're going to put me in touch with someone who can. Hopefully by Wednesday I'll know whether I can re-enroll and how I should go about doing it. I also have a list of jobs I am going to try to get applications out for. Crossed fingers!

Then, I headed out to Mr. and Mrs. Missionary's house. Now, to be honest, I wasn't sure how this was going to go down. The letter and the pressure had me strung a little tight, and so I've been rather up and down emotionally all day.

But I was greeted by a tiny boy carrying an even tinier girl. "Say hi! It's a friend!"

It's hard not to smile at that. Of course, later that tiny girl backed away from me as though I were Jason, complete with hockey mask, and began screaming and crying. Apparently, she's shy. But I spent a good half hour running around with the kids, keeping the little one from wandering too far, chatting with Mrs. Missionary, and racing from the front yard to the back yard and back again. Dinner was fabulous, spent chatting and eating great food (Something you miss when you live on your own is a table full of people. I spend most of my meals at home in front of the television). And then I read a book on crocodiles to the little ones. I had a child on my lap, a child curled against my side, a child curled against that child, and a child who spent her time crawling over top all of us. It was great fun. We watched a movie, and then spent time talking about various books we all had read and loved. I was almost sad to go, but unfortunately, 11:15pm means it's time to politely make an exit.

There's something infinitely healing about spending so much time with children. I think it's the automatic acceptance for who you are.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise because of Your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him?" Psalm 8:1-4

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